vahemikus 8-13 oktoober tehtud tellimused postitatakse 14. oktoobril

Tasuta tarne pakiautomaati alates 49€ tellimusest

Leech HAWK PC-CL Earth

Availability: 1 laos


Hawk on disainitud 100% Leechi poolt ja on mõeldud tõsistele kalapüügihüvilistele. Tänu uut tüüpi ventileeritavatele ninapatjadele, suurtele klaasidele ja laiadele raamidele on nägemine selge ega väsita silmi ka päikesepaistelise ilmaga. Hawki prillide puhul on kasutusel kõrgeima kvaliteediga prilliklaasid (PA), millel on mitu erinevat katet, nagu mereveekindel kate või peegeldusvastane kate, vältimaks külgmist valgust. Raamide siseküljel on kummist elemendid, mis teevad kandmise mugavamaks. Raamid on toodetud TR90 materjalist.

Copper lens

Copper lenses help in enhancing contrast and improving the depth of field for objects such as fish against the aqua colored backgrounds. We recommended that you to wear copper lenses as it in addition will give them good definition and prevent eye strain. Furthermore, it is highly suitable in mornings and evenings and will make it much easier to see the fish.

Polarized polyamide

PA lenses are manufactured by a precision injection machine, which gives them superior optical features and unmatched clarity, compared to PC and other plastic lenses. PA-lenses also have a great scratch resistance. The PA-lens is super light, free from Biosfenol A and the efficiency of the polarization is 99%

Mirror coating

This feature is strictly cosmetic and don’t affect the vision. The only way to see the color of the lens is to look at it from outside. This is a highly reflective mirror coating which prevents the eyes of the wearer from being seen by others.

Scratch-resistant coating

In the face of all the advancements in eyeglass lens coatings, eyeglass lenses are still not scratch proof – not even glass lenses. However, the Leech eyeglass lenses are treated front and back with a clear, hard coating which make it much more scratch resistant.

Ultraviolet treatment UV400

This coating keeps the sun’s UV rays from harming your eyes. 100 % UVA, UVB and UVC Protection.

Salt Water Resistance Coating

This coating is especially developed for sea conditions. It protects the lens against saltwater, which can cause peeling and corrosion. The special formula has been tested in our laboratories. In addition to the improved protection, it offers hydrophobic and oleophobic effects. The extra protection is recommended for long and intense action in salt water areas

Anti-reflecting coating

Anti-reflective Coating, also called AR coating or anti-glare coating, improves your vision through your lenses as well as the appearance of your eyeglasses.
The visual benefits of lenses with anti-reflective coating includes sharper vision.
AR eliminates glare from sunlight reflecting into your eyes from the back surface of tinted lenses when the sun is behind you.

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