vahemikus 8-13 oktoober tehtud tellimused postitatakse 14. oktoobril

Tasuta tarne pakiautomaati alates 49€ tellimusest

Leech Street Black

Availability: 2 laos


Street mudel on ideaalne valik igas vanuses kandjale, nii meestele kui naistele. See on stiilne prill, mida võid vabalt kanda mistahes igapäevatoimetusi tehes. Just Street seeria tõi Leechile suurema tuntuse kalastushuviliste seas. Street on niivõrd universaalne mudel, et pärast põhjalikke uuringuid on selgunud, et see sobib 90% selle mudeli proovijatele. Street mudel on teenäitaja – selle Premium+ prilliklaasid tagavad maksimaalse visuaalse mugavuse ega väsita silmi.

Street Black mudelil on üleni must raam hallide prilliklaasidega, mistõttu on see väga hea valik tugeva valguse käes.

Gray Lens

Gray lenses are great for sunny days, as they offer light reduction and do not distort color like other lenses. Furthermore, these sunglasses prevent eye fatigue. Fishermen who fish in rivers that have grey bottoms should opt for grey glasses

Polycarbonate (PC)

By injecting the polycarbonate material around the polarized material we create these high-quality lenses. Polycarbonate is a durable material and very hard to break. PC Lenses offer high clarity and the efficiency of the polarization is 99%.

Hydrophobic Coating

Imagine how much better you will see in the rain with a pair of hydrophobic lenses.
These coating bind together the molecules of the lens leaving no space for water to penetrate and create permanent water damage. This reduces the need to clean the lens as often as other lenses while making the cleaning process effortless. See more clearer with sunglasses that have hydrophobic coating attached and let water slip away easy from the lens surface.

Scratch-resistant coating

In the face of all the advancements in eyeglass lens coatings, eyeglass lenses are still not scratch proof – not even glass lenses. However, the Leech eyeglass lenses are treated front and back with a clear, hard coating which make it much more scratch resistant.

Ultraviolet treatment UV400

This coating keeps the sun’s UV rays from harming your eyes. 100 % UVA, UVB and UVC Protection.

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